
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Small goals help big time!

If you can't read that, it basically says 128.1 kilos or 20stone 2 pounds or a weightloss of 6 pounds since I started this blog. In the last two weeks I lost 4 pounds and I am pretty pleased with that!

And I think the biggest reason why I suddenly managed to double my weekly weightloss (and two weeks running too!) was that I broke through the 130kg barrier. I was pretty pleased to see the back of 130 and the thought of going back there scared me into sticking better to my diet.

This week I am desperate to lose 3 pounds or more because I want to get under 20 stone! And I know that went I have achieved that I will be looking towards 125, then towards the 19 stone mark etc.

Having such small targets means I should be able to hit one every month or so and I am finding that VERY motivating. I'm sorry but I find "lose 3lbs a week" about as motivating as watching bankers pissing away everyone elses money so these tiny goals help give me a sense of progress.

Another thing I started doing is using my phone to track my exercising and bore every one of my facebook friends by telling them how far I have walked, how fast, how high and where.

So keep an eye out for my exercise posts on facebook - I'm finding them very addictive!