
Sunday, March 6, 2011

It Beggars Belief

It is staggering how easy it is to say one thing and then do another. Just think how many times you've said "Oh I must phone so and so". What about how easy it is to set a goal with good intentions, but then forgetting to do the work needed to achieve it? It's not like you deliberately set out to fail... it just happened that way. "Life got in the way". Heard that one before? Yeah. Me too.

Right now I am thinking really hard of a way to work "Pales in comparison to" into a sentence in this post. It's not exactly "Life" getting in the way of me finishing this post, but more a distraction. The mundane and frankly mind numbingly unimportant things get in my way. Like when it's time to do the tax return, sure as eggs is eggs, the housework gets done! Or like just now when I spent 10 minutes searching for an idiom to use in that last sentence!

And I am like that when it comes to exercise too. The little things get in the way. Which is kinda funny to me seeing how big I am! (Simple pleasures I know...)

It's not like life gets in the way when I don't manage to get out at lunch time to do a mad dash for 20 minutes of my 30 minute break. It's the facebook! Or I get so distracted by a TV program in the morning, that I forget to make a decent packed lunch! That's not life. That's me being an idiot.

Someone once told me in a Kleeneze training session, that some people spend more time looking for their car keys than reading bank statements. Not sure what that was suppose to mean, but to me it sounds like if I want to succeed I need to be organised. I'm not really good at making sense of idioms.

However, the one thing it appears I AM really good at is losing ONE lb a week. I think 95 % of the time that's what I do - lose one pound a week. It beggars belief how easy it is to lose just one pound a week. You should try it. Piss easy. Walk a bit more, eat a bit less and drink water when you want the kitkat.

So that means this week I am spot on 20 stone, which is a 7lbs weight loss since the 16th of January. (That's the week I went for my epic walk) Or 8 lbs or roughly 4kg since the 9th of January when I started writing here.

But I refuse to join a gym. I can see the point though. Just look at the Biggest Loser TV program. They would not be able to lose all that weight on diet alone. It's just not at all possible!

If you're supposed to eat 2000 calories a day (as an example), that's the maximum number of calories you can cut out of your daily diet. Not a sustainable solution at all and it puts a lid on how much weight you can lose from dieting alone.

But if you do some exercise then it is quite easy to burn 2000 calories. It might take a few hours on the Elliptical Trainer but it can be done. In fact you can burn a whole lot more than just 2000 in a day at the gym. Which makes it infinitely easier to lose weight by exercising than by dieting. And you would be healthier too. Sorry I would be healthier too.

So why am I not joining a Gym? They cost money. I have a gym across the road from where I work, and I can get in there to swim for free because of the company I work for. I have a bike. I have some decent walking shoes and I have my ice hockey.

And provided I can keep the little things at bay and stop them distracting me I should be alright. And Provided I can stick to the restricted eating plan, I should be alright.

But you know that slight hunger pain you get when you're on a diet? Well it pales in comparison to the starving sensation I get for up to two days after hockey practice! I burn so many calories in that one session that my body craves for me to replace the nutrients. This week I will try and see if a protein shake afterward helps me with this problem.

Because with Easter egg season being just around the corner, I need to speed up my weight loss!

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