
Sunday, January 23, 2011

This is the difficult post

This weeks post is really hard to write.

The exercise part is VERY easy to write: Hockey - 1.5 hours. Stick Handling - about an hour in all. And that's about it. NOT enough.

The eating part is also very easy to write: Didn't follow the diet, but ate "normal" food and had some sweets too. Mainly because I was really hungry all week and I ran out of eggs. But I watched how much I ate.

The hard bit is where I have to face the fact that the end result was directly caused by my own decisions. There's only one person responsible for what happened and that's me. I can explain that I did not get to go swimming because of my feet. I can also blame my feet for not doing any walking this week. In fact they still hurt from my 8 mile trek.

But I caused that too.

So how would you react if your results don't come, when you didn't put in the effort that is required? and what if all your results are there in the public domain, displayed on a giant internet posterboard if you will, for everyone to see? And you are letting everyone pass their own judgement on your lack of achievement.

This is the hard part. Everyone gets to see my results and I can't control what you people think. I failed to achieve what I wanted to achieve this week. And I failed to achieve what others expected of me. Everything I failed to do this week is out in the open and available for everyone to see. I have to face you all knowing that you know I failed to achieve what I wanted to do.

I could have simply not posted an update. Or lied. Or quit. But the whole point of making this blog was to encourage, embarass and inspire me to work harder. And if this week is anything to go by, I could do with getting humiliated a bit more!

I lost no weight this week. I didn't gain any either, which is something of a victory. But I have to step up the activity and eat better because if I don't I have to face the same humiliating task next week of writing the same miserable message that I wasn't good enough. And I don't want to do that again.

So even though this post is difficult, it is pretty important. And pretty positive.

1 comment:

  1. Keep at it Jon, it's all down to will power, and how much you want!
